Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 20,

Today was out of this world. Our day began with a visit to the Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva. This place ismagical. It is full of amazing artwork ranging from relics, frescoes, paintings, a sculpture by Michelangelo, and the tomb of the famous artist Fra Angelico, whose frescoes we saw in the Museum of San Marco in Florence. Our second stop of the day was the Pantheon. This place is an  architectural wonder. The mathematical perfection of its dome is a living proof of Roman engineering, and possibly the most influential building in art history! The dome in St. Peter's Basilica and the Capitol building in Wasington D.C. were both inspired by the Pantheon's dome.  After a light lunch, we went back to the Vatican to visit the inside of St. Peter's. There, we saw some of the most beautiful works of art in history. The actual church is a breathtaking piece of architecture. The attention to detail in everything is perfect. This is why it draws in people from all over the world and different religions. We saw one of the most perfect marble sculptures ever made, the Pieta by Michelangelo. We are able to appreciate this form of beauty in sculpture so much more after learning how to make a terra cotta busto ourselves. There are many beautiful frescoes and larger than life sized sculptures of angels and influential people in history. The grand finale of our day was a sunset/night guided tour of the Colosseum. We were able to walk the underground halls that the gladiators once walked. This place is another architectural giant! It is full of history, art, and beauty. The floors underground are made of many families of brick. The walls underground are made of marble. We could imagine the noise of the animals waiting for battle, the gladiators preparing to conquer and the people cheering in the stands. We are truly thankful for the opportunity to come and learn so much to share back home with our students, community, and colleagues. Tomorrow, we will leave Italy and go to Paris. We learned so much in this beautiful country rich in art, history and culture. Ciao for now...the next time we blog we shall greet you with a happy "Bonjour"!



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